Friday, May 1st, 2015
It was Throwback Thursday and I went back to the freezer to see what was there. There were the ravioli that I had made in mid March stuffed with organic beef, prosciutto and aged Parmesan. That was a no-brainer as nestled on the freezer shelf was a jar of pesto I put up in August right before the basil went to seed. And what’s this? A sealed bag of cooked and mashed sweet potatoes. In the fall when the sweet potatoes come in they really come in. And we never know how much we have until we start digging. When we have too much to use and give away, we peel, boil, mash and seal in a freezer bag and place in the freezer. You can then use the mash for a casserole, a pie or simply heat up and serve with butter and pepper.
Ciao For Now
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