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A Love Affair With Fat

Thursday, October 6th, 2011

If Georgia had a State food it would be Fried Chicken. Followed closely by fried okra, country fried steak and fried pie. Georgian’s love their fat. But it’s not just the South.  When the Republican field of candidates were visiting the Iowa State Fair, a new image was etched into my head.  Fried Butter on a Stick. And that sauce, a sugar glaze or mayo?

But eating foods high in fat is not unique to America. French cooking is notoriously high in fat. I worked as a charcuterie chef for a number of years in New York City and charcuterie is all about using fat. Julia Child’s recipe for Coq au Vin in Mastering the Art of French Cooking has you sautéing bacon in butter.  Yet the French as a people are not fat.

When I’m cooking vegetables I try to find a way to go easy on the fat. There’s enough fat in other parts of the meal, the least I can do is boil or steam, instead of frying my vegetables. Especially when using fresh vegetables right out of the garden.

This just in. Turns out the official prepared food of Georgia is GRITS! Really? Grits?
For a list of all State foods check out this link on Wikipedia.

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