Wednesday, December 5th, 2012
Cooking With Vinny has started a new page;
Vinny Verelli’s Pizza Chronicles.
I love pizza. It’s my favorite food it is the perfect food. And since you can put anything on a round baked crust and call it a pizza you can have a pie with all food groups and convince yourself you’re on a diet.
Pizza is an ancient story, a love story. Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs depict man baking round pies with toppings. I may have just made that up, but I think I saw that somewhere. But it IS a love story. In 1899 Queen Marghereta of Spain visited Naples and she fell in love. She fell in love with a pizza. One made especially for the royal visit. It was made with red sauce, white cheese and green basil to represent the Italian flag. And when a queen is in love with you, the whole world is in love with you. And thus pizza is adored to this very day.